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Dr. Joseph Vithayathil, Associate Professor

SIUE Faculty - Joe Vithayathil

"I hope to make a lasting impact on student lives and careers in the areas of ethics, professionalism and technology."

Degrees Held:

  • PhD – University of California, Irvine, 2013
  • MBA – Harvard University, 1980
  • MS – Washington University in St. Louis, 1976
  • BSEE – Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 1974

Career Highlights:

Joseph Vithayathil is an Associate Professor and Director of the graduate program in Computer Management and Information Systems (CMIS) at the School of Business at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE). He was previously in the technology industry and has extensive professional and entrepreneurial experience in global Information Technology (IT) and executive management. He serves on the board of SemiQ, Inc. ( a technology company that designs, develops and produces energy efficient power semiconductors and subsystems using Silicon Carbide (SiC).

Dr. Vithayathil teaches business analytics, information security, cloud computing, e-commerce, IT infrastructure and IT for management. He has developed new course offerings in the areas of information security and business analytics.

Dr. Vithayathil’s research interests are in the area of Economics of Information Systems and the application of Economic Theory, Agency Theory and the related issues of Moral Hazard, Adverse Selection, Information Asymmetry and Incentives in the context of Information Systems. Research topics include Governance of Information Technology, Corporate Governance, the impact of Cloud Computing and Social Media on organizations, and Corporate Social Responsibility.

His research has been published in leading journals including: Management Information Systems Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, International Journal of Information Technology and Management, International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Corporate Governance, Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance, Information Systems Research and Journal of Global Information Technology Management.

In which online degree program do you teach?

MBA with a Business Analytics Specialization

  • Which classes do you teach online?

    CMIS 526, CMIS 566, CMIS 567

  • What types of projects can online students expect in your course?

    • CMIS 526: Team project that conceives, analyzes and applies and Information Systems solution to a business problem.
    • CMIS 566: No project. The course is an introduction to methods employed in business analytics.
    • CMIS 567: Capstone project that applies business analytics to address business or organizational questions.
  • What will students study in this course?

    • CMIS 526: Team project that conceives, analyzes and applies and Information Systems solution to a business problem.
    • CMIS 566: No projects as the course is an introduction to business analytics.
    • CMIS 567: Exercises that help prepare for capstone project report using real data, typically from public sources, using statistical analysis and visualization to answer business questions.
  • What do you want students to learn in these courses? What is the expected learning outcome?

    • CMIS 526: Conduct a real-world problem analysis of a current business challenge and develop a recommendation report for an information systems-based solution.
    • CMIS 566: Develop an understanding of rigorous methods used in business analytics and basic familiarity with tools.
    • CMIS 567: Conduct a real-world problem analysis using data analysis to generate business intelligence, and develop a report with recommendations for the firm or organization.
  • What advice would you give to those considering this online program?

    Be prepared to work very hard as the schedule is accelerated, demanding, grueling and hopefully also fun and interesting.

  • Why did you start teaching?

    To share my experiences and expertise with current and future professionals and to learn from the students through a diversity of views and experiences. I hope to make a lasting impact on student lives and careers in the areas of ethics, professionalism and technology.

  • What is the one book you think everyone should read?

    Dr. Zhivago by Boris Pasternak

  • Tell us something interesting about yourself that your students might not know about you.

    As a hobbyist, built audio amplifiers, loudspeaker systems, crossovers and electric guitar pickups. Play tennis and squash; jog, and play intermediate level guitar. Have a collection of guitars and rare scotch.

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