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Dr. Stanislaus Simon Solomon, Assistant Professor of Management

SIUE Faculty - Stanislaus Solomon

"My objective for the class is to introduce students to both the theory and application of quantitative methods in dynamic and uncertain business environments."

Degrees Held:

  • PhD in Business Administration – University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2015
  • MS in Electrical Engineering – California State University, Sacramento, 2008
  • BE in Electronics & Communication Engineering – Madras University, 2004

Career Highlights:

  • Research funded by the Hewlett Packard Research Labs, Palo Alto, California 2013 - 2015
  • Research led to Invention Disclosure filed by Hewlett Packard Research Labs
  • Runner-up at the 2016 Decision Sciences Institute's Elwood S. Buffa Doctoral Dissertation Award, Austin, Texas
  • Invited to give talks on Stochastic Resource Planning by HP Labs, Monsanto Company and The Production & Operations Management Society

In which online degree program do you teach?

  • Which classes do you teach online?

    MBA 521

  • What do you want students to learn in these courses? What is the expected learning outcome?

    My objective for the class is to introduce students to both the theory and application of quantitative methods in dynamic and uncertain business environments. MBA 521 students will leave the course with a knowledgeable toolkit of quantitative methods that will serve them well in their career.

  • Why did you start teaching?

    My mother was my inspiration to become an educator. Growing up, I witnessed her working tirelessly, teaching 10th grade Biology. Her love for teaching and her affection for her students motivated me to continue in her path.

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