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Affordable Online MBA Options in Illinois

The number of employers seeking MBA graduates continues to grow. According to a 2018 survey of corporate recruiters conducted by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), 81 percent of responding companies planned to hire candidates with an MBA in 2018 — a trend that shows no signs of slowing down. The GMAC also reports that business professionals with an MBA have increased earning potential. It’s easy to see how an investment in higher education could hold the key to your success.

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) online MBA programs provide an accelerated and affordable option for those who wish to obtain an MBA from an AACSB-accredited business school. According to The Balance Careers, the average two-year MBA program costs $60,000. And a recent Forbes article cited online MBA tuitions as high as $128,000.

The cost of the MBA program at SIUE is the same for in-state and out-of-state students. Total tuition and fees cost for the online MBA is quite affordable.

In addition to the general MBA degree, SIUE also offers three specialized MBAs — all at the same cost:

Students can complete the MBA specialization of their choice in as little as one year. No additional foundational coursework is required for any of the specialized plans, regardless of your undergraduate coursework.

Keep Your Day Job

Online learning allows you to continue in your current position while you work toward your MBA. You won’t need to take on additional debt for living expenses or lose out on promotions while you go through this program. In addition to affordable tuition, an online MBA at SIUE saves you expenses related to on-campus programs. Hidden costs such as parking, meals on the run, additional childcare, and more, can greatly increase the cost of your education. Saving money and time and allowing you to schedule your classes to fit in your schedule makes an online degree an excellent choice.

Learn more about Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s online MBA programs.


Graduate Management Admission Council: 2018 Corporate Recruiters Survey Report

Forbes: Is Getting an Online MBA Worth It?

The Balance Careers: Is an MBA Worth It?

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