Once you have decided to earn your Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, choosing the right business school can be intimidating. One of the most important criteria you should consider is proper accreditation. Accredited business schools have completed a rigorous audit process, thereby ensuring students receive an education designed for success in today’s business environment. Accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) since 1975, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Business is one of an elite group of distinguished business schools.
How Does a School Become Accredited?
Although the AACSB has been providing accreditation services since 1916, less than 5 percent of business schools throughout the world have earned this important distinction. Schools seeking AACSB accreditation must review current practices while also considering future needs.
Once accreditation is awarded, schools must participate in a detailed review every five years, showing a continued focus on improvement and excellence in business education. These institutions must continually review and revise learning practices to ensure students receive exposure to current systems and ideas.
To receive accreditation, schools must provide evidence of financial stability and a commitment to provide resources necessary for a high-quality business education. AACSB-accredited schools must also meet faculty requirements. Tenured faculty must demonstrate a commitment to teaching as well as research to ensure students have access to instructors versed in both theory and practice. These stringent guidelines ensure that an MBA earned at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) will be a wise investment in your future.
SIUE’s dedication to maintaining AACSB accreditation for its MBA programs highlights the university’s commitment to quality and innovation in education. In addition, SIUE’s accounting programs received AACSB accreditation in 1987, further establishing the school’s reputation as an excellent choice for students seeking an MBA.
Employers Are Also Looking for Accreditation
Accreditation affects more than just your experience in the program. Many employer reimbursement plans require employees to attend an AACSB-accredited school. Graduates of an AACSB-accredited business school are likely to receive more attention from corporate recruiters, too. Pursuing your MBA at a highly rated business school can also increase your networking opportunities while expanding your scope for advancement.
Learn more about SIUE’s online MBA programs.
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